Natural of Caracas – Venezuela and a graduate of TSU in Advertising Graphic Design (1995), currently resides in the Principality of Andorra, where he is professionally engaged in the sector of editorial pre-printing, digital printing and graphic design. He is a photography enthusiast from an early age, he accumulates solid knowledge in this field in a self-taught way, technically increasing said knowledge by studying photography (since 2007) at the art school «La Llacuna» of the Andorra la Vella Community. It has the preparation in courses such as public speaking and leadership, personal growth, management of Adobe® software and design software, among others.
He has developed professionally as an art director, creative graphic designer, packaging design teacher, tutor and jury of works to obtain the degree of Graphic Design technician. He has also participated as coordinator of special events and exhibitions of mass consumption products. He has displayed his talent in renowned design and photography competitions in South America and Europe. More than 15 years of professional work and hobby today allow you to combine your skills in the management of digital image and design, to create the ideal support to express your ideas and feelings impregnated with nature, mystery or surrealism.
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